Quick Start

LeapfrogAI UDS Deployment

The fastest and easiest way to get started with a deployment of LeapfrogAI is by using UDS. These quick start instructions show how to deploy LeapfrogAI in either a CPU or GPU-enabled environment.


See the Dependencies and Requirements pages for more details.

Default Models

LeapfrogAI deploys with certain default models. The following models were selected to balance portability and performance for a base deployment:

BackendCPU/GPU SupportDefault Model
whisperCPU/GPUOpenAI whisper-base

If a user’s system specifications exceed the minimum requirements, advanced users are able to swap out the default model choices with larger or fine-tuned models.

Examples of other models to put into vLLM or LLaMA C++ Python that are not sponsored nor owned by Defense Unicorns include:

The default configuration when deploying with GPU support assumes a single GPU. vllm is assigned the GPU resource. GPU workloads WILL NOT run if GPU resources are unavailable to the pod(s). You must provide sufficient NVIDIA GPU scheduling or else the pod(s) will go into a crash loop. See the Dependencies and Requirements pages for more details.

Building the UDS Bundle

If you already have a pre-built UDS bundle, please skip to Deploying the UDS Bundle

  1. Start by cloning the LeapfrogAI Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/defenseunicorns/leapfrogai.git
  2. From within the cloned repository create the LeapfrogAI bundle using ONE of the following:

    # For CPU-only
    cd bundles/latest/cpu/
    uds create .
    # For compatible AMD64, NVIDIA CUDA-capable GPU machines
    cd bundles/latest/gpu/
    uds create .

Deploying the UDS bundle

  1. Deploy a UDS Kubernetes cluster with ONE of the following:

    make create-uds-cpu-cluster     # if you have CPUs only
    # OR
    make create-uds-gpu-cluster     # if you have GPUs (macOS not supported)
  2. Deploy the bundle you created in the previous steps:

    # make sure you are in the directory with the UDS bundle archive
    uds deploy uds-bundle-leapfrogai*.tar.zst

Checking Deployment

Once the cluster and LFAI have deployed, the cluster and pods can be inspected using uds:

uds zarf tools monitor

These URLs will only be accessible after the UDS Kubernetes cluster and LeapfrogAI have been deployed:

LeapfrogAI UIhttps://ai.uds.dev
LeapfrogAI APIhttps://leapfrogai-api.uds.dev/docs
Supabase Consolehttps://supabase-kong.uds.dev
KeyCloak User Pagehttps://sso.uds.dev
KeyCloak Admin Panelhttps://keycloak.admin.uds.dev


To clean-up or perform a fresh install, run the following commands in the context in which you had previously installed UDS Core and LeapfrogAI:

k3d cluster delete uds  # kills a running uds cluster
uds zarf tools clear-cache # clears the Zarf tool cache
rm -rf ~/.uds-cache && rm -rf /tmp/zarf-* # clears the UDS and Zarf temporary files
docker system prune -a -f # removes all hanging containers and images
docker volume prune -f # removes all hanging container volumes


Further Tinkering

For more LeapfrogAI customization options and developer-level documentation, please visit the LeapfrogAI GitHub project for more details.

Last modified September 6, 2024 : (d1f32a4)